The Association
Now in our 58th season (beginning September 2024), the Yavapai Symphony Association (YSA) has focused on providing Prescott area music lovers with classical music experiences that few other communities of its size can claim.
A dedicated, volunteer working board of no more than 17 directors manages, controls and directs the business of the association. An Office Manager is employed by the board to handle day-to-day operations.
The YSA operates under comprehensive bylaws that spell out duties, responsibilities and operational procedures for the organization. Primary responsibility for governing the Association is vested in the Executive Committee and that committee functions through the work of various standing committees including: Finance, Media Relations and Publicity, Events Planning, Membership, Youth Activities, Nominating and Concert Day.
Board members must be current YSA members and contributors. YSA members are defined as individuals or entities that have purchased one or more season tickets for the current year. Any YSA member is eligible and encouraged to attend the Annual Meeting, vote, and be considered for a board position, if nominated.
Ordinarily, the Board of Directors meets monthly, during which time matters of business affecting the functions of the YSA, are handled.
The primary source of income for the YSA is ticket sales from the concerts sponsored throughout the year. Other revenue comes from generous contributors to the association, concert program advertisers and small grants from various foundations or associations, the most notable being the Arizona Commission on the Arts and the National Endowment for the Arts.
Recent bequests from friends of the association have enabled the organization to establish significant endowments to ensure the long-range viability of the association and to provide funding for the development of promising young classical musicians.
2023-2024 Officers, Board of Directors & Staff
- President Chip Shay
- Vice President Martin Trembly
- Secretary Gerre Carley
- Treasurer Brent Bond
- Director John Barton
- Director Victor Haynes
- Office Manager Carolyn Benton
Past Presidents
- Mary S. Brooke
- Mrs. Fredric B. James
- Mrs. Thomas Zabriskie
- Mrs. Grant MacCurdy
- Dr. Royal Dunkelberg
- Mrs. Ronald Solt
- Mrs. Forrest Bacus, Jr.
- Mrs. Richard Longfield
- Steven R. Campbell
- Donald Wendlandt
- Marion Sprang
- James I. Brown
- Donald J. Ziehm
- John B. Schuyler, Jr.
- Dana Wingate
- Carl Tomoff
- John Cargill
- Barry Cline
- Monaver von der Heydt
- Jan Spaulding
- Bob Bockrath
- Keith Norby
- Jayne Nordstrom
- Carol Sundberg
- Arlon Inman
- Virginia Rayner
- David Dunn
- Arlon Inman
Committees of the Association
Executive Committee – acts on behalf of the Board on all matters between meetings of the Board; appoints the chair and members of the standing and special committees and is responsible for planning, scheduling and contracting for all concerts and performances of the association.
Finance Committee – oversees the finances of the association including monitoring of investments, establishing and maintaining records, accounting procedures and oversight of fundraising and grant projects. The committee ensures that expenditures by the board are consistent with the mission statement of the association.
Marketing Committee – publicizes concerts and other activities of the association and supervises the production of the concert program including the program notes, biographical information about the musicians, verification of the contributor list, sale of advertising and updating of the association website.
Events Planning Committee – plans special events throughout the year including the Annual Meeting of the association and the Hail and Farewell reception held in conjunction with that meeting. It also plans the annual Contributors Dinner and organizes a trip to Phoenix to sit in on a rehearsal performance of the Phoenix Symphony Orchestra including an opportunity to meet with orchestra members during their break.
Membership Committee – organizes and supervises the season ticket and individual concert ticket sales for the association; solicits and records contributions by season ticket holders and ensures the proper acknowledgement in the concert programs.
Youth Activities Committee – creates exposure of classical musicians and artists to school music programs; assists in the purchase of musical instruments and related needs of young musicians in their development and delivery of classical music.
Nominating Committee – formulates guidelines for the qualifications of officers and directors of the association and, in turn, solicits persons interested in serving in those positions. Following a defined process, a final slate of officers and director-nominees is presented to the membership for approval at the Annual Meeting of the association.
Concert Day Committee – coordinates box office ticket sales and concert day program distribution, supervises ushers and support staff, and provides appropriate hospitality for members of the orchestra and artists
Scholarship Committee – The Scholarship Committee shall consist of a chair and such number of additional members as the Executive Committee, subject to the approval of the Board, shall appoint. The Scholarship Committee shall supervise and coordinate the publication of scholarship application criteria and forms, conduct auditions of applicants, rate and rank the applicants and recommend the amounts of each scholarship award.