Bequests, Gifts & Endowments
Living gifts and estate bequests are ways for supporters of the symphony to allow our Board of Directors to develop programs for the continued support of classical music in the community and Yavapai County.
Generous bequests from the estates of Marian Sprang, Dorothy Chafin, Mitzi James, and Betty Lee Raymer have been placed in our Endowment Fund. Annual earnings from that endowment allowed the Board to create the Music Scholarship Award to assist young musicians who have shown an interest and commitment to pursuing a professional music career as a performer or as a certificated music educator.
Consideration of a gift or an estate bequest to the YSA Endowment Fund ensures that this music scholarship and future projects of the Association are adequately funded.
How to Leave Your Legacy
Making a bequest to the Yavapai Symphony Association is an ideal way to make a significant gift, but retain the use of your assets during your lifetime. Through a will, a family can bequeath a specific dollar amount, a percentage of an estate, or a residual value after other gifts have been satisfied. Bequests can be for a designated purpose.
Beneficiary Designations
Naming the Yavapai Symphony Association as beneficiary of a life insurance policy, annuity, or retirement fund [e.g., IRA, 401(k), 403(b)] is a great way to eliminate substantial estate and income tax on these assets at the time of your death.
Direct Gifts of Cash
Legacy gifts of cash, publicly traded securities, or life insurance cash value from a policy that’s no longer needed can be given to the endowment fund at any time, providing tax-saving benefits for you and immediate benefits to the Symphony.
In recognition of this type of support to the Yavapai Symphony Association donors will be listed in all concert Program Books and are invited to our annual donor dinner each year.
How To Make You Bequest, Gift, or Endowment
To begin, contact your attorney and ask for the Yavapai Symphony Association to be included in your Will or Trust. Bring this sample language to use as a starting point for your discussion and planning:
Sample Language – Flat Sum (For Wills)
“I give the sum of $_____________ to the Yavapai Symphony Association, a registered charitable organization (TAX ID 23-7087588). At the time of this writing, the organization is located at 228 North Alarcon Street, Prescott, AZ 86301 (P.O. Box 2333, Prescot, AZ 86302) .”
Sample Language – Percentage (For Wills)
“I give ______ percent of the residue of my estate to the Yavapai Symphony Association, a registered charitable organization (TAX ID 23-7087588). At the time of this writing, the organization is located at 228 North Alarcon Street, Prescott, AZ 86301 (P.O. Box 2333, Prescot, AZ 86302).”
Sample Language – Flat Sum (For Trusts)
“The trustee shall distribute the sum of $_____________ to the Yavapai Symphony Association, a registered charitable organization (TAX ID 23-7087588). At the time of this writing, the organization is located at 228 North Alarcon Street, Prescott, AZ 86301 (P.O. Box 2333, Prescot, AZ 86302).”
Sample Language – Percentage (For Trusts)
“The trustee shall distribute ______ percent of the residue of my estate to the Yavapai Symphony Association, a registered charitable organization (TAX ID 23-7087588). At the time of this writing, the organization is located at 228 North Alarcon Street, Prescott, AZ 86301 (P.O. Box 2333, Prescot, AZ 86302).
Once you have decided to include the Yavapai Symphony Association in your Will, Trust, and/or estate plans, contact our office at (928) 776-4255 so we can begin recognizing your generosity and including your gift in our future planning.
Please contact our office 928-776-4255 or any member of our Board of Directors for more information regarding estate planning options, living gifts, charitable stock donations, and contributions to the Fund.
The Yavapai Symphony Association is a 501(c)3 corporation. All contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.