Directions to the Performing Arts Center
The Jim & Linda Lee Performing Arts Center is located on the campus of Yavapai College.
1100 E. Sheldon Street in Prescott | map | seating chart
Driving Directions
- If driving west on Hwy 69 (from Prescott Valley and beyond), take the Sheldon Street exit and proceed 1 block to the traffic light at the campus entrance.
- If driving south on Hwy 89 (from Chino Valley and beyond), take the Sheldon Street exist and proceed 1 block to the traffic light at the campus entrance.
- If driving east from the downtown area, turn left into the campus from Sheldon. If approaching via Gurley Street, turn left onto Rush Street, then proceed straight onto the campus at the traffic light.
All parking is free on the Yavapai College campus. As you enter the campus, the main parking lot is accessed on your left (identified as A and B on the map found below.
The Performance Hall is the large, light colored building located adjacent to this parking area. Additional parking can be found in the areas indicated on the map.